VerCetty Made It Studios

Outside In The Republic
These are small selection of works created by Quentin VerCetty between 2013 to present. These digital imagining of the Republic is of an speculative afrotopia that consist of techno-fossils of youth of African descent as conceptual speculative sculptures.




2017. Still Image of 3d Lenticular Print #qcetty

2017. Digital rendering #qcetty


2017. Still Image of digital animation - hologram. This is a story of young leader dedicated to the cause of the people and equality. #qcetty


2016. Digital print on Epson Luster paper. 76.2 cm x 101.6 cm (30' x 40'). A futuristic story about the great, great, great, great Grandchild of Toronto pioneer artivist Dudley Laws. Umoja is honored in 2116 for being the Founding President and Commando of the Extra Terrestrial and Black Defense Action Committee of Toronto Corp. sector 6.

2016. Digital print on Epson Luster paper 76.2 cm x 101.6 cm (30' x 40') A futuristic story about the great, great, great, great Granddaughter of pioneer artivist Ato Seitu. Who in the year 2116 is honored for being the founder and chair of the Six Ah Wi University of Resistance, the largest Art institution in the Western Sector of the Americas.

2016. Still Image of digital animation - hologram. This is a story of young leader dedicated to the cause of the people and equality. #qcetty

2016. Digital print on Epson Luster paper with augmented reality component. 127cm x 101cm 50 in x 40 in). A true story about an afronaut named Babatunde, which tells a tale about setbacks and perseverance, overcoming - maintain faith and looking forward - knowing that victory will be in the whirlwind.

2016. Digital print on Epson Luster paper with augmented reality component. 127cm x 101cm 50 in x 40 in).


2015. Lenticular Print. 50.8 cm x 71.12 cm (20' x 28') A true story about a young man, leader, a prince of Somali ancestry with dreams of being an entrepreneur.

2015. Lenticular Print. 50.8 cm x 71.12 cm (20' x 28') A true story about a young aspiring artist and scholar named Albrightine, who demonstrates her ability to be a leader through her artistry and hunger for knowledge.

2014. Lenticular Print with Augmented Reality Component. 40.64cm x 50.8cm (16 in x 20 in). A true story about a Queen with special ability to bend sound waves and motion. She is currently discontent with the quality of sound that the humans called Music and she has set out on journey to transform that - forever.

2015. Lenticular Print with Augmented Reality Component. 40.64cm x 50.8cm (16 in x 20 in). A story of a militant magician - poet and an Ambassador of righteousness. He future voice crying out from the wilderness. He is of royal Maroon ancestry and is focused on a mission to change lives and hearts.

2014. Digital Art and holographic projection.